Shipping Info
The product processing time(1-5 days) depends on the time frame of the quality check, the packaging and the location of shipping warehouse.
We provide 3 types of shipping methods below:
- Amazon fulfillment (2-5 days)
- Standard Shipping (7-14 days)
- Express Shipping (4-8 days)
The bulk sale box will be submitted to Amazon sellers for delivery (10 - 14 days). It can take up to 30 business days, especially during the peak removal times, and the holiday season.
*If there is any shipping issue with your package, you must contact Customer Service within 90 days after your order was placed.
Free Standard Shipping on orders over $29 (U.S ONLY)
Shipping Method | Shipping Time | Cost |
Amazon Fulfillment | 2-5 days | $6.99 |
Free on orders $29 | ||
Standard Shipping | 7-14 days | $6.99 |
Free on orders $29 | ||
Express Shipping | 4-8 days | $15 + $3/more per piece |
Notice: The above delivery time excludes the processing time. The Amazon Fulfillment only valid for specific items on our online store. |
1. Since the products on the website may be distributed in different warehouses, there will be multiple shipping methods.
2. SALEDRESS is not responsible for the packages that may be lost or stolen after delivery.
3. The customer is liable for any losses arising from providing an incorrect address.
Cancellation/ Modification Policy